Special Projects
Sgeulachdan Siarach 2024
Mar phàirt de Sheachdain na Gàidhlig
Bha pròiseact na bliadhna-sa ag amas air sgilean aithris sgeulachdan a’ leasachadh ann an cloinn òg (5-12) bho Taobh Siar Leòdhais. Chaidh am buidheann air dà chuairt, gu cladach agus mointeach (gu Manaisadair agus gu Creagan nan Uan) agus dh’ionnsaich iad mu ainmean àite na sgìre agus sgeulachdan bhon dualchas.
Chruthaich a’ chlann pìosan ealain le snàth agus dh’ionnsaich iad sgilean fighe, snìomh agus càrdadh. Cuideachd, dh’ionnsaich iad abairtean Gàidhlig air nach robh iad eòlach.
Mòran taing dha na saor-thoilich a chuidich leis a' phròiseact, bho Chomann Eachdraidh an Taobh Siar agus Club Fighe Grinneabhat, agus taing cuideachd dha Ceitidh bho Chomunn na Gàidhlig.
Part of World Gaelic week
This year’s Sgeulachdan Siarach project focused on developing storytelling skills in children (5-12) on the west side of Lewis. The group went on two walks, to the coast and to the moor (to Manaisadair and to Creagan nan Uan) and learnt about the place names of the area and stories from the heritage.
The children created pieces of art with yarn and had a go at weaving, spinning and carding with wool. They also learnt Gaelic sayings and proverbs to enrich their vocabulary.
Many thanks to the volunteers from Comann Eachdraidh an Taobh Siar, Grinneabhat Knit and Natter and to Ceitidh from Comunn na Gàidhlig.
Ùrachadh. Voices of Bragar
Jonathan Smith
Musician and artist Jonathan Smith has produced a revamped, electronica version of 11 tracks from the original Ceòl a' Bràdhagair CD, with all profits going to UCBA. Jonathan has strong family links to Bragar through his father. He spent the later part of his school years here, and has been a frequent visitor to the family home in Bragar, where his mother still lives.
The CD is available from Grinneabhat, through Isle20, and as a digital download.
Ceòl a’ Bràdhagair
Ceòl a' Bràdhagair was originally a cassette tape recorded at a concert in Bragar School in 1981. It featured twenty traditional songs, many of them from the Bragar area. One of UCBAs first projects was to remaster the tracks and produce a CD.
The CD was launched in December 2014 at a cèilidh in the room in which it was originally recorded, and with some of the original artists singing. It is available to buy at Grinneabhat, from the Isle20 website or as a digital download.
Dealbh-Dùthcha, detail
Dealbh-Dùthcha: Ainmean-Àite Bhràdhagair agus Àrnoil
A map of Bragar and Arnol place-names, created by artist Anne Campbell. The material was collected at the ‘Cuimhneachain Sgrìobhte, Mapping Arnol and Bragar’ exhibition held at Grinneabhat in 2016, and during earlier projects by the artist. The map is available to buy at Grinneabhat or from the Isle20 website. All profits go to UCBA.