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Previous Events

Scroll down for an archive of some of our past events.

Às an Duibhe / Out of Darkness

Open Studios Hebrides

Preview, Saturday 11th January 2025.

Laoidhean Nollaig / Christmas Carols

Carols with our choirs

Friday 20th December, 7pm

Draoidheachd is Pupaidean

Children's Christmas Magic & Puppet Show

Saturday 14 December, 10am 

Spòrs is draoidheachd gu leòr a-rithist am-bliadhna le Lynton is Avril.  A bharrachd air slat-draoidheachd agus bodach na Nollaig bha na pupaidean animeil Punch is Judy a’ cluich `s a trod.  Chòrd e ris a’ chloinn agus na h-inbhich le chèile.


We had another great Magic and Puppet show this year for the local kids.  A huge thank you to Lynton and Avril who put the show on.  We are so lucky to have such talented people living in our community.  The kids really enjoyed themselves and there was plenty fun and laughter!

Sgeulachdan Bidh

Community Meal

Saturday 7 December

Bho chionn ghoirid, thàinig daoine sa choimhearsnachd againn, agus daoine à coimhearsnachdan eile a Ghrinneabhat airson biadh a ghabhail còmhla.  Dh’ith iad feòil chaorach, buntàta is glasraich is an uairsin crumbail-ùbhail no carraigean.  Bha a h-uile duine a’ bruidhinn is ag innse sgeulachdan mu bhith a’ fàs biadh sa choimhearsnachd.  Chòrd an oidhche rinn gu mòr, tapadh leibh dhan a h-uile duine a bha ‘g obair sa chidsean agus dha Fes is Jon airson an oidhche a chur air dòigh. 

Recently we held a community meal at Grinneabhat.  People from our own community and from other communities came together to eat some local sourced food, share recipes and stories about growing or producing food.  This was done as part of research by community members, as part of the Royal Society of Edinburgh funded award “Healthy Planet, Healthy People” to look at how we produce food in our local environment.  The night was thoroughly enjoyed by all, thanks very much to the kitchen staff and to Fes and Jon for organising the evening.

Wild Wreath Making with

Jenny Smith

Saturday 7th December

Chilli, Quiz agus Craic

​Bilingual Quiz ​

Dihaoine 29 Samhain /Friday 29 November 

Abair oidhche spòrsail a bh’againn aig a quiz mu dheireadh againn! Bha tòrr co-fharpais a’ dol air adhart eadar na sgiobaidhean. Mòran taing do sgioba a’ chafaidh airson a’ bhiadh bhlasta, dhan a h-uile duine a thàinig agus dha Harris Gin and Ishga airson na duaisean.

What a fun night we had at our last quiz!  There was some competition going on between the teams.  A huge thank you to the café staff for the delicious food, for everyone who came and to Harris Gin and Ishga for supplying the wonderful prizes.

Candle making with

Sandwick Bay Candles

Saturday 23rd November

Bha fàileadh àlainn sa rùm coimhearsnachd againn às dèidh dha Sandwick Bay Candles cèilidh oirnn.  Mòran taing do Megan a thàinig a-null a shealltainn dhuinn ciamar a dhèanadh sinn coinnealan. 

There was a lovely smell in our Community Room after Sandwick Bay Candles were over teaching us how to make candles.  Thank you to Megan who came over to deliver this workshop in our community.  Would you like to attend a workshop if we run another one in the New Year?

Nollaig / Christmas

Family Craft Morning

Saturday 23rd November

Abair seiseanan spòrsail a bh’ againn leis a’ chloinn a’ dèanamh sgeadachaidhean Nollaig.  Chòrd e ris a h-uile duine, agus bha na seiseanan làn!  Mòran taing do Claire is Shona a bha os cionn chùisean.

We had two brilliant craft sessions making Christmas decorations!  Everyone enjoyed it and the sessions were full.  They got a big thumbs up from Joni anyway!  A huge thank you to Claire and Shona who led the sessions. 

Grannie Annie's Pop Up Shop & 

Cafe Late Night Opening

Friday 22nd November

Bha oidhche glè shnog againn sa chafaidh le biadh math agus gu leòr ri cheannach.  Thàinig Annie suas às na Hearadh a’ chèilidh oirnn agus i a’ tabhainn cothrom do dhaoine ann an Leòdhas ceannach bhuaipe.  Mòran taing Annie airson a thighinn a’ chèilidh oirnn!

What a lovely night we had in our café, with good food and lots to buy.  Annie from Grannie Annie’s came from Harris to visit, and to host a pop up shop in our café.  Many thanks to Annie for making the trip, we really enjoyed having you with us.

UHI Sgoil Fhoghair

Dàmhair / Samhain 2024

Bha seachdain thrang, inntinneach againn le oileanaich na Gàidhlig, a bh’ air cùrsa goirid Sgoil Fhoghair UHI.  Bha dusan oileanach còmhla rinn fad na seachdain ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig, le feadhainn a’ fuireach ann an ostail Ghrinneabhat.  Bha clasaichean cànain aca a h-uile latha le Christine NicLeòid, agus bha iad cuideachd thall sa bhos a’ coinneachadh diofar dhaoine sa choimhearsnachd agus a’ cur eòlais oirnn is air a’ chultar ionadail againn.  Bha iad air cuairt agus chuala iad tòrr sgeulachdan, chunnaic iad breabadair ag obair air a’ bheairt, bha iad a-miugh le Comunn Eachdraidh an Taobh Siar agus aig Taigh Dubh Àrnoil.  Chuala iad cuideachd bho eòlaichean mu ainmean-àite, gnàthasan-cainnte, sgeulachdan is òrain, a bhith a’ cur a-mach an loidhne agus rinn iad rud beag dannsa-ceum cuideachd.

​We were pleased to host UHI’s Autumn Gaelic Learners week at Grinneabhat.  This involved daily Gaelic classes with Christine Macleod and various outings in the afternoon learning about local life and culture.  Evening events included the Grinneabhat choir, a talk by Catriona Murray UHI lecturer on Halloween customs and a Community Cèilidh. Thanks to all involved in making the week possible and for those that participated.

Thar na h-oidhcheannan, chaidh iad còmhla ri coisir Ghrinneabhat airson rud beag seinn.  Thàinig Catriona Murray, òraidiche bho UHI a-null a dhèanamh òraid air feadhainn de na cleachdaidhean agus deas-ghnàthan a bh’ aig daoine uaireigin co-cheangailte ri Oidhche Shamhna, agus a bhith gan dion fhèin bho dhroch spioradan agus cumhachd an dorchadais.  Air an oidhche mu dheireadh bha cèilidh ann le Coisir Sgìre a’ Bhac, Ceum Sunndach, Iain Alex Macdonald, Emma 'Scalpaigh' NicLeòid, Dena Anne NicLeòid agus seinneadar ionadail eile, òg is aosta.  Taing dhuibh uile son a thighinn a sheinn sa chluich dhuinn.  Taing dha Avril Allen cuideachd airson an oidhche a chur air dòigh.

Oidhche Chiùil Ghàidhlig

Community Cèilidh

Dihaoine 1 Samhain


Òraid Oidhche Shamhna

Halloween Talk

31 Dàmhair/October

Partaidh Oidhche Shamhna

Halloween Party

Bha oidhche air leth spòrsail againn aig Grinneabhat aig ar Pàrtaidh Shamhna.  Bha e iongantach a’ chlann gu lèir fhaicinn ann an aodach Samhna.  Taing do Laura a chuidich, agus taing dhan a h-uile duine a thàinig!

We had a great night at Grinneabhat for the kids’ Halloween Party.  We loved seeing all the local kids dressed up and having fun.  A big thank you to everyone who came along and made such an effort.  Another huge thank you to Laura Stewart (22NB) who helped organise the event. 

Timcheall a' Bhùird

Saturday Supper Club

Bha a’ chiad ‘Timcheall a’ Bhùird’ againn bho chionn ghoirid aig Grinneabhat.  Thuirt cuideigin a bha ann, “Biadh math agus cèilidh càirdeil le caraidean sean is ùr.” 


We held our first Supper Club at Grinneabhat recently.  Someone who was there said, “Delicious food and a lovely friendly atmosphere.  A perfect opportunity to spend an evening with old friends and make new friends.”

DK Macleod

Sunrise & Sunset

Exhibition opening

Saturday 19th October, 5-7pm

Western Isles Covid Memorial

Remembering together


Saturday 28th September

1 - 4pm, Grinneabhat. Clay shell casting, paper kiln & banner making workshops with Jon Macleod, Sandra Kennedy & Danielle Macleod.


4 - 6pm, Grinneabhat. Music from Miss Irenie Rose, Maggie Smith & Zoe Leparoux.


From 7pm North Shawbost beach. Fire sculptures & procession. Piping from Katie Macrae. Clay shell performance.

Bracaist nam Fireannach

Men's breakfast

Disathairne / Saturday 7th September

Car Boot Sale

Saturday 24th August


Weeds, wild oats & other stories

Magdalena Choluj & the Nature Library

Exhibition opening

Saturday 17th August, 5-7pm


Willie Campbell & Jane Hepburn

Friday 9th August, 7.30pm

Oidhche air leth le Willie is Jane.  Seinn is dannsa is fealla-dhà.  Chòrd an oidhche ris a h-uile duine.  Mòran taing do Willie agus Jane, agus do dh’Avril a chur an consart air dòigh.  Thigibh a’ chèilidh oirnn a-rithist a dh’aithghearr!


What a brilliant night we had with Willie Campbell and Jane Hepburn Macmillan.  Singing, dancing and fun!  Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the night.   Many thanks to Willie and Jane, and to Avril who organised the concert.  Come back and visit us again soon!

Oidhche de Bhàrdachd 

is Òrain Ionadail

Dihaoine 2 An Lùnastal, 7.30f

Bha oidhche shònraichte de bhàrdachd, òrain agus sgeulachdan againn bho choinn ghoirid aig Grinneabhat.  Rinn Alice Nic a Mhaoilein rannsachadh agus cruinneachadh air òrain na sgìre dha Grinneabhat agus dha Comann Eachdraidh an Taobh Siar, agus an uairsin chuir i consart air dòigh gan taisbeanadh.

Bha Alice còmhla rinn aig Grinneabhat thairis air mìosan an t-samhraidh air Sgeama Greis Gnìomhachais nan Oileanach.  Ma tha duine agaibh eòlach air Alice, bidh fios agaibh gu bheil òrain is seinn a’ còrdadh rithe gu mòr!


Abair measgachadh a bh’ againn de dh’òrain, sgeulachdan is bàrdachd à Bràdhagair agus Àrnoil.  Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil a h-uile duine a bha san èisteachd a-nis eòlach air number plates a h-uile càr, bhàn is làraidh a bha sa bhaile uaireigin!


Mòran taing dhan a h-uile duine a thàinig, a h-uile duine a ghabh pàirt le seinn no aithris, na saor-thoilich a rinn teatha is cofaidh, agus dha Alice airson an oidhche a chur air dòigh.  B' e oidhche a bh’ ann nach tig a cuimhne dhaoine airson ùine ri thighinn.

Barrachd air facebook is Instagram


for all the family

Friday 26th July, 7pm

Abair oidhche spòrsail a bh’ againn bho chionn ghoirid aig a’ chiad Variety Night aig Grinneabhat! Tha ar coimhearsnachd cho tàlantach math daoine aig a h-uile aois fhaicinn.


What a special night we had recently at our very first Variety Night! So much talent in our local community, and great to see people of all ages taking part.  It definitely won’t be the last Variety night at Grinneabhat.


Thurs 25th & Fri 26th July

10am - 5pm

Ages 14 - 25

FREE but booking essential

Book tickets here: 

or call 01851 708480

Design and build mechanical inhabitants for the Grinneabhat garden and polycrub. Make motorised insects and robotic rodents or program plants with guest artists Jamie Grier and Saehee V Simmons.


We’ll learn skills such as soldering, coding and using recycled materials to bring our creations to life and make them reactive to their environment. No prior experience necessary!

About the artists:

Jamie is a Glasgow based sound engineer and programmer with a BSc in Multimedia & Electronics. He has worked internationally in collaboration with art, music and theatre companies, specifying, designing and implementing digital solutions, custom electronics and software for installations and performance projects.

Originally from Los Angeles, Saehee has a BFA in Graphic Design and Photography from California State University of Long Beach and a BA(hons) in Costume for Performance from London College of Fashion. She is a costume and prop designer/maker for film, theatre, music videos and outdoor arts. Her career varies from animation for film and TV to fashion, she aims to practice sustainably wherever possible.

Cèilidh Teaghlaich

Family ceilidh


Le daoine òga à Èirinn is Alba

With young people from Ireland and Scotland

Mòran taing do dhaoine òga à Leòdhas is Èirinn agus Fèisean nan Gàidheal a chùm Cèilidh Teaghlaich aig Grinneabhat. Chòrd e gu mòr ris a h-uile duine ☺️

Many thanks to the young people from Lewis and Ireland and Fèisean Nan Gàidheal who held a Family Cèilidh at Grinneabhat. Everyone really enjoyed it ☺️

Red, Green & Blue

live at Grinneabhat

Saturday 13th July

Bha oidhche mhath againn ann an Grinneabhat ag èisteachd ris an dithis seo a tha air leth tàlantach, Red, Green and Blue. Mòran taing airson tighinn gu Grinneabhat air ur Cuairt Albannach.


 We had a brilliant night at Grinneabhat listening to the extremely talented duo Red, Green and Blue. Thank you so much for coming to Grinneabhat on your Scottish Tour.

Batty Art Workshops

Friday 12th July

10am - 12pm ages 5 - 8

1pm - 3pm ages 9 - 12

For more information visit An Lanntair -


Outer Hebrides Film Archive

 Tuesday 9th July, all day.

Faodail Found

Passing Places

Tuesday 9th July, 7.30pm

Bumblebee ID and Bee Walk  4th July  7.30pm - 9pm

Family Bumblebee Safari  3rd July  10.30am - 12pm

Everyone had a great morning at the Family Bumblebee Safari. Thanks so much to Emma and the team at Bumblebee Conservation for the event!

Alice Macmillan & Jack Wolf 

29 an t-Ògmhios  29th of June

Alice Macmillan & Jack Wolf

Mar a thuirt cuideigin a bha an làthair - “Oidhche mhìorbhaileach! Cho math an ath ghinealach fhaicinn agus a chluinntinn làn tàlant”. Mòran taing do dh’Alice is Jack airson consart air leth, chòrd e gu mòr ris a h-uile duine. Taing cuideachd do Marnie, Lilly, Anna is Iain James airson òrain a ghabhail.  Bha sibh math dha rìribh! 


Amazing evening with Alice and Jack that was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Thank you both for coming over to Grinneabhat for a concert and please don’t leave it too long until you come back! Thanks also to Marnie, Lilly, Anna and Iain James for giving us a song, you were all great!


Caroline Dear

Bha feasgar air leth againn, a' fosgladh an taisbeanaidh ùr againn, String / Lines le Caroline Dear. Bidh e ri fhaicinn aig Grinneabhat gu 13 Lùnastal.

 We had a great afternoon at the opening of our latest exhibition: String / Lines by Caroline Dear. The exhibition can be seen at Grinneabhat until 13th August.

Danns' a' Rathaid 

Road Dance

1 Ògmhios 2024  

Nach ann againn a bha oidhche mhiorbhaileach aig ar Danns’ a’ Rathaid! Ged a b’ e oidhche beagan mì-chàilear a bh’ ann, cha do chuir sin stad oirnn idir! Bu mhath leinn taing mhòr a thoirt do Tony agus Dan, Còmhlan Mhaleòidean Nis, Còmhlan Pìobaireachd Òg Leòdhais agus na Hearadh, luchd-obrach Taigh Dubh Àrnoil agus dhuibhse a thàinig a-mach a dhannsa! Cò a bhiodh ag iarraidh a thighinn gu dannsa eile? Feuchaidh sinn toirt air a’ ghrian a thighinn a-mach an ath-thuras!


What an excellent night of dancing we had at our Road Dance. Though the weather was not perfect, we certainly did not let that spoil our fun! We would like to say a massive thank you to our performers – Tony & Dan, the Ness Melodeon Band, The Lewis & Harris Youth Pipe Band, staff at Arnol Blackhouse and to yourselves who came out on a dreich night for some dancing and fun! Who would like to see another Danns’ a’ Rathaid happen?

Bracaist nam Fireannach

Men's breakfast

Saturday 25 May


Busy morning at Grinneabhat feeding some the men of Bragar and Arnol. Great turnout, we hope you all enjoyed it. Keep your eyes peeled for information on the next one.

Mòran taing dhuibh uile airson a thighinn, tha sinn an dòchas gun do chòrd e ribh.

Latha sa Mhòine

11 Cèitean 2024

11 May 2024

Latha air leth air mòinteach Leòdhais a’ buain na mònach airson Grinneabhat. Taing do ar luchd cuideachaidh. Dh’ionnsaich a h-uile duine tòrr, deagh sgioba is rinn sinn uile caraidean ùra.


Brilliant day on the Lewis moorland cutting peats for Grinneabhat, and learning about the Gaelic terminology and history that goes along with it. Thanks to our volunteers.  Lots learnt and new friends made.  Grinneabhat cafe will be nice and cosy this winter!

Sgioba anns a' mhòine a' togail rùdhanan.  Making rùdhanan, miniature peat stacks, to dry this years peat with our great gang of volunteers.


3 Cèitean, 3 May 2024

Abair oidhche a bh’ againn.  Thàinig Iain ‘Costello’ MacÌomhair a chèilidh oirnn agus abair cèilidh a bh’ againn, le òrain, sgeulachdan is fealla-dhà.   Mòran taing do Chostello agus na bi ro fhada a tilleadh!

What a great night we had.  Iain ‘Costello’ Maciver came for a cèilidh, and what a brilliant traditional cèilidh it was, with everyone singing along.  Many thanks to Costello, don’t be long in coming back!


Seedling Animators Workshop run by An Lanntair

Wednesday 3 April.   

Ages 5 - 8: 10am – 12pm.  Ages 9 - 12: 1pm - 3pm.  

Learn how to make a short stop-frame animation in this plant-based workshop for Primary school age children.  You will also be making models and playing music and movement games. 

Coisir Sgìr' a' Bhac agus Caraidean

Saturday 30th March

Abair oidhche Shathairne air leth le Coisir Sgìr a' Bhac agus seinneadairean eile.  Bha òg is aost a’ seinn agus anns an luchd-èisteachd agus deagh mheasgachadh de dh’òrain agus ceòl a’ bhocsa.  Bha an luchd-èisteachd a seinn cuideachd, taing do Avril!

Tapadh leibh son a thighinn chun iar!


What an amazing night of music we had at Grinneabhat on Saturday night - a real cèilidh with some of the best traditional singers in Lewis. Big thank you to the Back Gaelic Choir, Isabelle Bain, Catriona Bain, Jonathan Fairgrieve, Margaret Stewart, Murdo Macdonald, Iona Davidson, Calum Mackay, Donna Maclean, Seumas MacTaggart, and Katie MacRae for performing and to Avril Allen for organising such a special night.

Coisir Sgìr' a' Bhac

Margaret stewart

Iona Davidson

Seaweed Foraging workshop

Saturday 30th March 1-4pm

Join Jemima Hall on a Seaweed Foraging walk to learn about and discuss the ethnobotanical uses of seaweeds, exploring their colours, strengths, medicines and flavours.


Meeting at and returning to the exhibition room at Grinneabhat, setting off at 1pm towards the coastline.

For more information visit our Exhibitions page.


February's seaweed foraging walk

A' Glanadh nan Tràighean

Beach Clean Up

Saturday 30th March 

Mòran taing dhan a h-uile duine a thàinig a-mach Disathairne a chuideachadh!

Thanks to everyone who came out on Saturday to help.

158kgs worth of litter collected!

Big thanks to Wendy Gorman, Volunteer Centre Western Isles - Lewis, Clean Coast Outer Hebrides and Surfers Against Sewage


Leughadh is Rabhdan

Buidheann ùr aig Grinneabhat airson clann, pàrantan is luchd-cùraim. 

New group at Grinneabhat for children, parents and carers.

International Literacy Day Reading Children Instagram Post (1).jpg

Thigibh còmhla rinn airson leabhraichean Gàidhlig a leughadh leis a’ chloinn agus rabhdan beaga a dh’fhaodas a chleachdadh leotha ionnsachadh.

Come along to read some Gaelic books with the children and learn little Gaelic rhymes you can use with them. We hope this group will be particularly useful to parents/carers who are planning to put their child into Gaelic Medium Education but are not confident in their own Gaelic speaking or reading.

Mòran taing do Bòrd na Gàidhlig airson taic a chuir ris a’ phròiseact seo.

Many thanks to Bòrd na Gàidhlig for supporting this project.

No fee, donations welcome.

Sgeulachdan Siarach 2024

Mar phàirt de Sheachdain na Gàidhlig

Part of World Gaelic week

Storytelling poster

Bha pròiseact na bliadhna-sa ag amas air sgilean aithris sgeulachdan a’ leasachadh ann an cloinn òg bho Taobh Siar Leòdhais.

This year’s Sgeulachdan Siarach project focused on developing storytelling skills in children (5-12) on the west side of Lewis. 

Jemima Hall

Artist in conversation

Fasgadh Feamad/

Seaweed Shelter

Saturday 10th February 3pm

Club Lego


Theatre Gu Leòr.

Taigh Tŷ Teach 

Tue 30th January 2024 - Thu 1st February 2024

Tha Theatre Gu Leòr a’ tighinn a’ chèilidh oirnn.  Bidh iad a’ cleachdadh an togalach agus bidh cothrom aig a’  choimhearsnachd a thighinn a-mach airson dealbh chluich fhaicinn. Barrachd fiosrachaidh agus tiocaidain: Ticket Source

Theatre Gu Leòr are coming to visit us. They will be using the building and the community will have the opportunity to come and see the play they are working on. More information and tickets: Ticket Source

Taigh Ty Teach

Taigh Tŷ Teach is a major, tri-lingual co-production of a new site-specific piece written by Mairi Morrison in Scotland, Eva O’ Connor in Ireland and Mared Llywelyn Williams in Wales, and performed in Gaelic, Irish and Welsh with English subtitles.

Three houses, three communities and three stories unfolding, each reflecting the challenges shared by the three countries and the people at the heart of them.

Performances at 7pm on 30th January, and at 2pm and 7pm on 31st January and 1st February.

Bidh Grinneabhat dùinte eadar 22 Faoilleach agus 3 Gearran. Bidh an Cafaidh fosgailte a-rithist air Diciadain 7 Gearran. Bidh an laundrette fhathast fosgailte – cha dhùin e idir.

Grinneabhat will be shut between 22nd January and 3rd February. The Café will re-open on Wednesday 7th February. The laundrette will remain open and won’t shut at all.

Burns Supper, January 2024


Cruthaich Coinnealan

Candle Making

Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh, cuiribh fios gu

Cofaidh na Maidne aig àm na Nollaig
Christmas Coffee Morning

19th December 2023

Mòran taing gu Sgoil Shiaboist airson a bhith aig Cofaidh na Maidne an-diugh, chòrd an seinn ris a h-uile duine.


Big thanks to Sgoil Shiaboist today for coming to Coffee Morning, everyone enjoyed the singing.

Pàrtaidh Nollaig Na Cloinne
Children's Christmas Party

16th December 2023

Bha madainn air leth againn aig Pàrtaidh Nollaig na Cloinne a-rithist am-bliadhna.  Mòran taing do Avril agus Lynton airson a bhith còmhla rinn, agus don a h-uile duine a thàinig ann.


We had another great morning at this year’s Children’s Christmas Party. A big thanks for Avril and Lynton for being with us again this year, and to everyone who came along.

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The Lewis & Harris Trail Christmas Fayre

Friday 8th December 2pm-7pm

Grinneabhat Christmas Market

Remembering Together

Music and Storytelling Ceilidh

thumbnail_RT Music and Storytelling Ceilidh poster.jpg

Join musician Alastair Caplin for an evening of music and storytelling at Grinneabhat. Drop in between 6:30 and 8:30pm, all welcome, bring an instrument, your voice or just come along to watch and listen. We’ll share music, songs and experiences from the pandemic and make recordings for an upcoming album that will form part of the Western Isles Covid Memorial.

book FREE tickets at:


more info:

Wreath Making 
Wild Wreath Making Workshop with Jenny Smith

Poster for Wild Wreath Making at Grinneabhat

Curry, Quiz agus Craic

Thigibh sios a Ghrinneabhat oidhche Haoine 24 Samhain, airson coiridh, quiz agus craic.  £17 gach neach. Feumaidh sibh àite a ghlèidheadh ro làimh, cuiribh fios thugainn aig airson seo a dhèanamh.


Come down to Grinneabhat on Friday 24th November for a Curry, Quiz and Craic.  £17 per person, pre booking essential –

Food at 6pm

Quiz at 7pm

BYOB, no spirits.

Thanks to The Isle of Harris Distillery for providing the prize.

Farpais Cheist Comunn na Gàidhlig

Diciadain 22 Samhain 4.30-6f

Tha Comunn na Gàidhlig a’ cumail quiz air Diciadain 22 Samhain aig Grinneabhat airson C7 – A6.  Tòisichidh e aig 4:30f agus thig e gu crìch aig 6f.  Bidh biadh ri fhaighinn.   

Airson clàradh, cuiribh fios gu 

Comunn na Gàidhlig is hosting a quiz on Wednesday 22nd November at Grinneabhat for P7 – S6.  It will begin at 4:30pm and finish at 6pm.  Snacks available.  

To register, please contact 

Open Studio Hebrides Artisan Market 2023

Poster of Artisan Market at Grinneabhat by members of Open Studio Hebrides
Outer Hebrides Makers Market.jpg

Book launch: Sealladh agus Sgeulachdan (Sights and Stories)
By Murdo Morrison

Book launch: Sealladh agus Sgeulachdan (Sights and Stories) By Murdo Morrison Poster 26 september 2023 12pm

Frame Basket Weaving with Willow

With Dawn Susan

Saturday 16th September 2023 - 10am-4pm

A Basket woven out of willow

Latha Coimhearsnachd 2024

Community Day

Latha Coimhearsnachd community day at grinneabhat poster
Kids Races for Grinneabhat Community Day
Grinneabhat Community Day Barter Saturday
Community Day Ceilidh at Grinneabhat with Jane Hepburn Macmillan & Andy Yearley

Àite-Cèilidh Cafe Pop-up Restaurant Classical Night

Saturday 26th August - 5.45-7.45pm

Thigibh còmhla rinn oidhche Shathairne! Join us for our pop-up 'classical' night, everyone is welcome! Pre-order is essential. To book or for more information contact us at 01851 710210 or email

Click below to view menu and prices.

Conversations Through a Whale - with Mhairi Killin

18th & 25th of August 2023

Mhairi Killin Artist Residency Poster - A conversation with a whale.

2022 was a year of bringing to fruition On Sonorous Seas, a multi-disciplinary, collaborative project which began in 2018 when a whale carcass washed ashore on the Isle of Iona, where Mhairi lives. The project interrogates the power of, and reliance on, sound as a survival tool for whales and the military, and the complex relationship between the militarisation of Scotland’s seas and their existing ecosystems. On Sonorous Seas represents a development of focus within my practice around the question of extraction in the Hebrides as a consequence of the presence of the military, and whether this particular presence has resulted in a psychological disarticulation between a specific culture and its immediate environment.


On Sonorous Seas has created an enquiring energy around this question and wider topics such as our relationship to the non human worlds around us, in this Anthropocene age. Mhairi's hope is that the project will continue in further iterations, inspiring and informing itself by creating space for conversations and thinking about the issues raised by the work.

We hope that its presence might hold a space at Grinneabhat, reflecting the ethos of the centre by welcoming people in to share conversation and stories around the whale, about the whale, of the whale. As an artist, being in residence with the whale, the centre, and its visitors, gives Mhairi a chance to extend the On Sonorous Seas project outwards, whilst reflecting inwards on further work. In this way the space becomes studio, exhibit, and salon as she open her practice up and out; drawing, thinking, reading, sharing and inviting a curiosity about what connects an artist to place, to an idea, to a feeling, to a purpose.

Mhairi will bring the whale's story back home and hopes to recieve others. Come along to the events to learn and to share stories on whales and whaling.

On Sonorous Seas - Open Studios with Mhairi Killin

Firday 25th August 5pm-7pm

Mhairi Killin Open Studios Poster
Mhairi Killin's Sketches
Mhairi Killin below suspended Whale Skull

Open Studios Hebrides

27th-29th July & 3rd-5th August 2023

Open Studio Hebrides at Grinneabhat with Jenny Smith, Charlottle Groundsell, and Dianne Davidson

Cuairt le CnaG -

A Walk with CnaG

26mh den Iuchar 2023 -
26th of July 2023

Abair latha còmhla ri Comunn na Gàidhlig aig Grinneabhat!  Thòisich Ceitidh, Sarah agus na sianar chloinne an latha le cuairt timcheall machair Bhràdhagair is an tràigh.  B` e Gèillean na Muice-mara a’ chiad àite far an do stad iad, agus bha a’ chlann a’ smaoineachadh mu cia mheud aca a dh’fheumadh seasamh air muin a cheile gus a’ mhulach a’ ruighinn.  Às dèidh beagan deasbaid, cho-dhùn iad gum feumadh iad coignear.

What a wonderful visit from Commun na Gàidhlig here at Grinneabhat! Ceitidh, Sarah, and the six kids set out for the day with a coastal walk around the machair. Starting the trip off at the Whalebone Arch, they tried working out how many of them it would take to reach the top! It was settled on five. 

Kids at the Whalebone Arch in Bragar

Ma tha an gèillean cho mòr ri seo, dè cho mòr `s a tha muc-mhara? 

If the jaw bone is this big, can you imagine how big a whole whale would be? 

Kids pointing at a map navigating through Bragar

Leis gun robh an latha cho math, b` e amas na cloinne dealbhan a thogail de na rudan a chunnac iad – gu sònraichte dealbhan de bheathaichean agus lusan.  B’ e crùbagan an rud a bha iad bu mhotha ag iarraidh fhaicinn.  Ged a bha an latha grianach, cha robh crùbagan ri lorg.  Bha dìreach sligean ri fhaicinn agus crùbagan beaga bìdeach.  Ach co-dhiù, bha iad toilichte leis na sligean mòra bho na crùbagan. 

With the lovely weather we had, the plan was to take pictures of what we saw on our walk - particularly any plants and animals. What the kids were most interested in finding was crabs! While it was a lovely sunny day, it seems all the crabs we could find were either too small or empty shells. However, they happily posed with the big crab claws they found! 

Boy posing with big crab claw he found

Às dèidh bhith ruith timcheall an tràigh, thill a h-uile duine air ais gu Grinneabhat `son milkshakes a-miugh sa ghrèin!  An uairsin, chaidh iad dhan rùm choimhearsnachd airson ealain a dhèanamh a’ cleachdadh dealbhan de na rudan a lorg iad air an cuairt, agus dh’ionnsaich iad na faclan Gàidhlig eadar-dhealaichte airson na rudan sin!

After a run around on the beach, everyone headed back to Grinneabhat for some milkshakes outside in the sun. Next, everyone got together in the workshop to make some art out of what they found and learnt the different Gaelic words for them!  

Kid's working around a table, creating drawings of wildlife

'String / Lines' with Caroline Dear

Unravelling the story of string: people, plants and place.

Tuesday 18th July

People walking through the machair in Bragar

Bha latha inntinneach againn an seo aig Grinneabhat Dimàirt.

Còmhla rinn fad an latha bha an tè ealain Caroline Dear. Tha Caroline stèidhte san Eilean Sgitheanach, agus `s e neach-ealain a th’ innte, a tha ag obair le nàdar, a’ dèanamh snàithleanan agus ròpannan iongantach à lusan dùthchasach. Às dèidh dhith bhith ag innse dhuinn mu a h-obair aig Cofaidh na Maidne, chaidh Caroline agus buidheann de mhuinntir an àite a-mach cuairt air machair Bhràdhagair a’ coimhead ri lusan agus a’ bruidhinn mu dheidhinn traidiseanan an Taobh Siar a thaobh dèanamh ròpa.


Bha bùth-obrach ann an uairsin aig Grinneabhat. Thuirt Elspeth Murphy a bh’ aig a’ bhùth-obrach, “`S e bùth-obrach fìor mhath a’ bh’ ann a’ dèanamh ròpa bho chuilc is lusan eile, às dèidh cuairt shocair tro fhlùraichean na machrach! Dh’ionnsaich mi tòrr fiosrachaidh ùr mu na lusan agus na cleachdaidhean. An uairsin air ais gu Grinneabhat airson cofaidh is cèic. Chòrd e rium!”

We had a brilliant, interesting day here at Grinneabhat on Tuesday.


With us all day was artist in residence Caroline Dear. Caroline is a Skye based artist who works with nature, making amazing threads and ropes from native plants. After introducing her work at the coffee morning, Caroline and a group of local people visited Bragar machair and explored the plants and Westside traditions of rope making.


This was followed by a workshop at Grinneabhat. Elspeth Murphy who was at the workshop said, “Really lovely workshop making rope from reeds and other plants, after a relaxing walk through the machair flowers! I learnt lots of new information about the plants and uses. Then back to Grinneabhat for coffee and cake. Loved it!”

Grinneabhat Community Room Full of People

Bha sinn fortannach gun robh Iona Davidson còmhla rinn às dèidh bhith a’ seinn aig Heb Celt. Sheinn i òrain àlainn thradiseanta dhuinn. `S ann à Barabhas a tha Iona ach tha ceanglaichean làidir aice ri Bràdhagair.

We were very fortunate to have Iona Davidson with us, fresh from her debut at Heb Celt, singing beautiful traditional Gaelic song for us. Iona is from Barvas but has strong links to Bragar.  Click here for a video clip of Iona singing.

Ginneabhat Community Room full of people

Bu mhath le Grinneabhat taing a thoirt do Jon MacLeòid a chur an tachartas inntinneach seo air dòigh agus a thug cuireadh do Charoline a Ghrinneabhat airson a’ choimhearsnachd a choinneachadh.

Gheibh sibh barrachd fiosrachaidh mu Caroline is a h-obair an seo:

Grinneabhat would like to thank Jon Macleod who co-ordinated this interesting event and introduced Caroline to Grinneabhat and the community.


Please see Caroline’s website for more information on her work:

Amazing Whales Creative Workshops

Friday 7th July 11.30am - 3pm

As part of the Outer Hebrides Wildlife Festival, children age 8-12 can explore the ocean depths and learn about whales through music, movement and making with An Lanntair's arts workers. Bring a packed lunch.

To book and for more information please visit:

Whale in sea

Island Paintings Exhibition Opening

By Jonathan Smith

Saturday 24th June 5-7pm

An exhibition of recent paintings by artist Jonathan Smith, reflecting the weather, light and particular nature of the Lewis landscape.

Painting of village by Jonathan Smith

Calum Alex Macmillan with Ross Martin

Friday 23rd of June  7.30pm

Musicians calum alex macmillan and ross martin

Gaelic singer and piper Calum Alex Macmillan is joined by Ross Martin (Dàimh) for an evening of traditional gaelic song and music.

Tickets are £10 and £7 for members. To book tickets, please phone us at 01851 710210 or visit us here at Grinneabhat. BYOB.

For more information about Calum Alex Macmillan, visit his website at

Là Bogaidh Gàidhlig - Gaelic Immersion Day

Disathairne 10 Ògmhios - Saturday 10th June 

Grinneabhat from the back

Là Bogaidh airson daoine a tha air tòiseachadh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh. Tha seo freagarrach dhuibh ma tha sibh air a bhith ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig airson bliadhna, no air crioch a chur air Speak Gàidhlig A1. Gheibh sibh cothrom an canan a dh'ionsaich sibh a chleachdadh tro ghnìomhan m.e. geamanan bùird, cuairt san sgìre, òrain agus sgeulachdan.

Bidh sinn a' cleachdadh canain mu ar beatha làitheil agus a ' cleachdadh tòrr ghnìomhairean agus Riochdairean Roimhearach. Gabhaidh sinn bracaist agus lòn còmhla mar phàirt dhan an là.

Our immersion day will be suitable for students who have been studying Gaelic for a year and/or have completed Speak Gaelic A1.You will have the  opportunity to use the language you have learnt through various activities e.g. board games, a walk, songs and stories.

We will be using language about everyday matters and using lots of verbs and prepositional pronouns. A chance for you to speak Gaelic to one another. Breakfast and lunch will also be provided on the day.

Cosgais: £40

Uair: 8.30-3f

Ma tha sibh airson pàirt a ghabhail no ma tha sibh ag iarriadh barrachd fiosreachaidh, nach cuir thugainn fios agus bidh sinn toilichte ur cuideachadh.

fòn: 01851 710210


Instagram: @grinneabhat_

Twitter: @BragarArnol

Sian Islands Tour 2022

Tuesday 26th April 2022 7pm

Sian Island tour poster

Luach Festival opening cèlidh including Sgeulachdan Siarach

Thursday 7th April 2022 6.30pm

The event will include a presentation by local primary school children retelling stories and myths associated with the west side of Lewis, as part of Scotland's Year of Stories 2022.


During the winter months the children accompanied volunteers from Comann Eachdraidh an Taobh Siar (the local history society) on environmental walks to three local sites and heard about the rich cultural and linguistic heritage associated with these special places. The children then created imaginative responses to the stories they heard during creative workshops, reinforcing their grasp of the stories and developing their own artworks.


For more information please contact


Sgeulachdan Siarach has been supported by the Year of Stories 2022 Community Stories Fund. This fund is being delivered in partnership between VisitScotland and Museums Galleries Scotland with support from National Lottery Heritage Fund thanks to National Lottery players.

Skyline view on top of hill

Scotland's Memory Walk 2021

Saturday 18 September 2021

A group of Bragar and Arnol residents and friends came together on Saturday 18 September 2021 to take part in Scotland’s Memory Walk around Bragar, raising £187 for Alzheimer Scotland Western Isles. Participants enjoyed complimentary tea and coffee afterwards in the Grinneabhat Community Room. Thanks to all who took part in support of the event.

Group of people standing infront of Grinneabhat building

Scottish Opera comes to Grinneabhat

July 2021

A picture of the members of the Scottish opera

Scottish Opera came to Lewis in July, and performed two fabulous shows at Grinneabhat.

'S iomadh rud a chì duine a tha fada beò!

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