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Upcoming Events

Grinneabhat is a place to come together, to connect, to share experiences, to learn and to inspire. We host a number of events throughout the year, ranging from arts and crafts activities to workshops and curry nights. Everyone is welcome to come and take part in our activities. Have a look at the upcoming events and activities.

Check our facebook for additional updates:


Dihaoine 3 Cèitean aig 7.30f, Friday 3 May 7.30pm

Household Budgeting

8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th May, 7.30pm.

These workshops are run by Anna Macphail, Multiply Numeracy Tutor at Comhairle nan Eilean Siar. 

Latha sa Mhòine

Disathairne 11 Cèitean

Saturday 11 May 

Eil sibh airson barrachd ionnsachadh mu bhuain na mònach, mar a bhios sibh a’ buain na mònach, mun bhriathrachais agus an eachdraidh a tha a’ dol na chois?  Thigibh còmhla rinn airson latha, a’ buain na mònach airson ar n-ionad coimeamhearnachd ann am Bràdhagair agus Àrnoil.  Bidh feum agaibh air aodach blàth freagarrach airson a’ mhòinteach, miotagan airson obair, lòn, bùrn, spaid is tairsgeir ma tha fear agaibh.  Thèid a’ mhòine gu lèir a thèid a’ bhuain a chleachdadh aig Grinneabhat fad a’ gheamhraidh.

Gus àite a ghlèidheadh, cuiribh post-dealain thugainn aig

Would you like to learn more about peat cutting, how you cut peats and about the Gaelic terminology and history that goes along with it?  Join us for a day, cutting peat for our community centre in Bragar and Arnol.  You will need warm clothing appropriate for the moor, gloves for working, a packed lunch, water, a spade and a peat-iron if you have one.  The peat that will be cut will be used at Grinneabhat throughout the winter.

A degree of physical fitness is required for this activity. Some walking may be required as well as working with a spade or peat iron.

To book a space, please contact us via email –

Seinn aig Grinneabhat 

Le taic bho Urras Leasachaidh nan Eilean Siar, tha Urras Coimhearsnachd Bhràdhagair agus Àrnoil air leth toilichte innse gum bi buidheann ùr a’ tòiseachadh aig Grinneabhat sa Ghearran 2024.  Tha sinn glè fhortanach gu bheil stiùiriche làn thàlant a-nis a’ fuireach nar coimhearsnachd a tha gu bhi a’ stiùireadh còisirean ùra dà-chànanach, airson cloinn agus inbhich.

Bidh Còisir nan Inbheach (16+) ann oidhche Dhiluain eadar 7 - 8f.

Bidh Còisir na Cloinne (bun-sgoil agus nas sine) cuideachd air Oidhche Luain eadar 4.30 - 5.30f.


Gus ar cuideachdadh leis na còisirean seo a chur air dòigh, nach cuir sibh post-d gu gus ùidh a chlàradh.  Ma tha sibh a’ clàradh ur pàiste/clann, feuch an cuir sibh a-steach an aois aca cuideachd.  

Tha an dà chòisir seo airson seinn agus spòrs is tlachd agus tha iad fosgailte dhan a h-uile duine.   Chan fheum sibh a bhith fileanta sa Ghàidhlig airson a thighinn chun bhuidheann seo.

With support from Western Isles Development Trust, UCBA is delighted to announce that a new group will be starting at Grinneabhat in February 2024.  We are very fortunate to have a talented conductor now living in our community who has offered to teach bilingual choirs for children and adults.  

The Adults Choir (16+) will meet on Monday evenings between 7 – 8pm.  

The Children’s choir (primary and upwards) will also be on Monday evenings at 4.30 - 5.30pm.  


To help us organise the choirs, please email to register an interest.  If you are signing up your child/children, please also include their age.  

The choirs are for singing for fun and enjoyment and everyone is welcome to take part and to attend.  Please note, you do not have to have fluent Gaelic to attend this club.

Darns & Yarns

Every Thursday - 3pm

Clasaichean Speak Gaelic

Dimàirt - Tuesdays

Speak Gaelic Poster (1).jpg

A bheil sibh airson Gàidhlig ionnsachadh?  Tha clasaichean Speak Gaelic aig Grinneabhat a h-uile seachdain. 

Tha clasaichean saor an asgaidh.

Ma tha sibh ag iarraidh barrachd fiosrachaidh, cuiribh fios thugainn aig no 01851 710210.

Do you want to learn Gaelic?  Grinneabhat have weekly Speak Gaelic classes.  Classes are free.

If you would like to join, or would like more information please contact us at or 01851 710210.

An Lanntair's Movement and Dance 

For pre-school children and their parent or carer

Thursdays term time 1pm - 2pm

Join Catriona Hill in these fun movement and dance sessions for pre-school children and their parent or carer. These lively sessions are based around dance and physical activity, and we will use props, interactive storytelling, and songs to get our bodies moving in a fun, imaginative way. Whether you’ve done it before, or are trying something new, these sessions will develop confidence, coordination, and creativity for both you and your young people!

An Lanntair's Family Music 

For toddlers, babies and their parents, Fridays 11am - 12pm

Join Eilidh for a music session designed for toddlers, babies, and their parents! Sing, play percussion instruments, and enjoy interactive musical games. It’s a fantastic opportunity to connect through music in our community. It’s free and simple for everyone to participate! Come and make musical memories together!

Cofaidh Na Maidne
Coffee Morning

Every Tuesday 11am. 

All welcome

Coffee morning at the community room here at Grinneabhat. Everyone welcome.

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