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Rooms and Tariff

Grinneabhat offers visitors different types of accommodation. We have three en-suite rooms upstairs - one room with two bunk beds, and two rooms with four bunk beds. All the bunk beds are curtained and private. Individuals can book single bunks in the larger 4-bed 'Uiseag' room. The downstairs room has zip and link beds which can be used as two singles, or one double. This room and its en-suite are fully wheelchair accessible.


Prices range from £30 for a bunk bed in winter to £140 for a four bed room in summer. We offer discounts for stays of 3 nights or more. The whole hostel can be booked for £300 per night (winter), £450 per night (summer). Read on for a full description of each room. 


Please be aware that ferries to the island can get very busy, and must be booked in advance. It's best to book your ferry at the same time as your accommodation, especially if you are bringing a vehicle.


For more information email or telephone 01851 710210.

Text "Eala" and sketch of swan

Pronounced ya-la.  The swan room.  

Our Eala room is on the ground floor and has two single beds which can be linked together to make a double.  This room and its en-suite shower room are fully wheelchair accessible. 


Listen for the sound of the whooper swan - an eala bhàn - and look out for them on Loch Grinneabhat, Loch Òrdais and Locha Dhubh in Bragar and Loch na Muilne in Arnol. They arrive in September from their Icelandic breeding grounds and winter here, with occasional birds staying on moorland lochs for the summer months.

The Eala room is priced at £90 per night from 1st October to 30th April, £120 per night from 1st May to 30th September (for two people). The price for one person is £80 (winter)/£110 (summer).



Mo chasan dubh, Mo chasan dubh,

Mo chasan dubh, 'S mi fhìn glè-gheal,

Gibhi gì gibhi gò, Gibhi gì gibhi gò

Gibhi gì gibhi gò, Gibhi gì gibhi gè’



Text "Feadag" and a sketch of a plover

Pronounced fed-ag with a soft ‘d’. The golden plover room.

en-suite hostel room Isle of Lewis


This room has two curtained bunk beds, with a private shower room. Each bunk has its own light and charging point. The Curracag and Feadag rooms are adjacent to each other and can be booked together for groups of up to six. 


The feadag (which also means whistle), along with the gille-feadag (meaning servant/attendant of the feadag), the dunlin, are iconic birds of the moorland, both breeding in huge numbers on the Lewis peatlands. The song of the golden plover, given in display flight, is described by the Gaelic mnemonic 'samhradh cridheach, tha e a’ tighinn' – ’a hearty summer, it is coming’. 

The Feadag room is priced at £75 per night from 1st October to 30th April, £100 per night from 1st May to 30th September (for two people). The price for one person is £50 (winter)/£75 (summer).

Text, "Curracag" and a sketch of a lapwing

Pronounced koo-ra-kag. The lapwing room.  

En-suite hostel room for 4, Isle of Lewis


This room has four individually curtained bunk beds, with a private shower room. Each bunk has its own light and charging point. The Curracag and Feadag rooms are adjacent to each other and can be booked together for groups of up to six.  


With their distinctive call and jaunty head feathers (the tuft of feathers at the back of its head resembles the currac, a headdress worn by women in the past) lapwings or peewits are found on croftland and machair. 


The Curracag room is priced at £100 per night from 1st October to 30th April, £140 per night from 1st May to 30th September (for up to four people). The price for up to two people is £80 (winter)/£120 (summer).

‘Tha lach is giadh is curracag

Nan caraidean air a’ mhachaire

Hoginn oro horo illean horo eile’

Calum Macdonald, Runrig

Text, "Uiseag" and a sketch of a lark

Pronounced oo-shag. The skylark room.


This room has four individually curtained bunk beds, with a private shower room.  Each bunk has its own light and charging point.  


The skylark can be seen on croftland, moorland and on the machair, a small bird whose song and display flight has inspired many a bàrd or poet.  


The Uiseag room is priced at £30 per bunk from 1st October to 30th April, £40 per bunk from 1st May to 30th September. The price for exclusive use of the room is £100 (winter)/£140 (summmer).

‘Dìreadh is a’ dìreadh

Is a sìor chur rann

I ri seinn ’s a’ dìreadh 

Air sgiath mhaoth neo-mhall

Le tiotaidhean faochaidh

Is a’ taomadh chainnt

Mar roth beag ’s na neòil

A’ dèanamh ceòl nach gann.’

Pàdraig Caimbeul, Bràdhagair

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