Regular Events
Please check the Upcoming Events page for one-off events coming up over the next few weeks.
Seinn aig Grinneabhat

Gus ar cuideachdadh leis na còisirean seo a chur air dòigh, nach cuir sibh post-d gu info@bragararnol.org gus ùidh a chlàradh. Ma tha sibh a’ clàradh ur pàiste/clann, feuch an cuir sibh a-steach an aois aca cuideachd.
Tha an dà chòisir seo airson seinn agus spòrs is tlachd agus tha iad fosgailte dhan a h-uile duine. Chan fheum sibh a bhith fileanta sa Ghàidhlig airson a thighinn chun bhuidheann seo.
To help us organise the choirs, please email info@bragararnol.org to register an interest. If you are signing up your child/children, please also include their age.
The choirs are for singing for fun and enjoyment and everyone is welcome to take part and to attend. Please note, you do not have to have fluent Gaelic to attend this club.
Speak Gaelic
Dimàirt - Tuesdays,
4 - 5.30f
Diciadain - Wednesdays,
9.30 - 10.45m
Do you want a chance to practice your Gaelic conversation skills? A warm welcome awaits you at Grinneabhat.
If you'd like more information please contact us at info@bragararnol.org

Darns & Yarns
Every Thursday - 3pm

Cofaidh Na Maidne
Coffee Morning
Every Tuesday 11am.
All welcome

Coffee morning at the community room here at Grinneabhat. Everyone welcome.
Alzheimer Scotland Drop In Cafe
This is a regular monthly event.
Dates and times may vary month to month.

We run several Bingo nights each year - look out for the next one on the Upcoming Events page or on facebook.

Feasgar Bàrdachd / Poetry Evening
We run regular poetry evenings - look out for the next one on the Upcoming Events page or on facebook.

If you would like to volunteer at Grinneabhat, look out for the next meeting.